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Traveler Tips For Introverts

Written by Fusion Medical Staffing | Apr 15, 2021 11:00:00 AM

You know those people who just thrive in social scenarios? They love the hustle and bustle of their external environment, working in fast-paced jobs, and talking through their decision-making process. These are known as extroverts. The social butterflies of the world.

I would hardly call myself a butterfly. I am not sure what specific animal, bug or descriptor would best showcase my very opposite tendencies, but introverts—hear me out. There’s a place for us too!

Can I get a raised hand to all my introverts out there?! Introverts are a pretty substantial part of the population, estimated to be about 25 to 40 percent of people out there. There’s a lot of debate on extrovert vs. introvert. In fact, some even say that introverts are very misunderstood, often not “assertive enough” or able to handle the nature of social scenarios and leadership. The fact is, introverts make great leaders and thinkers when they lean on their natural strengths. They don’t feel the need to spotlight themselves or take credit for group successes, but are more likely to emphasize a team effort and team strengths.

There’s a trend among these clashing personality types though. Instead of embracing their serious, often quiet and reflective style, introverts are more often encouraged to act like extroverts, making it seem like introverts are lacking something in their skills, and must change their personality traits to better fit in with the world. If you’re a medical traveler that typically leans toward a more introverted approach, read some of these tips to making the most of your very dazzling personality. 


Traveler Tips For Introverts


Increase your happiness

Different personality traits are associated with learning and productivity, but how does being an introvert relate to overall well-being and happiness?

One of the most common misconceptions of introverts is that they aren’t happy. It could be because studies show that relationships with others tend to play a big role in happiness. While being an introvert means you’re more likely to focus inward and socialize less, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have less meaningful relationships. Research suggests that happiness tends to thrive in our sense of purpose, our self-acceptance, and having a supportive network of people to lean on.


Make connections to make friends

As an introvert, you can feel like most people just don’t really ‘get’ you most of the time. It’s already hard enough to find people who like the same stuff as you, and even more when you’re a medical traveler trying to make new friends on-the-go. So how do you “find your people” especially when you’re a medical traveler taking on new assignments and new locations every 13 weeks? Try a new approach or two.

Think about the coworkers you have now. Is there one or two who seem interesting or that you’d like to get to know more? Make a move and start a friendship! Introverts have a tendency to wait on others to show interest. If you reach out first, you’re in control of the communication. Finding your crew takes time and patience, but once you make a friend, you have a connection to that city and location, so you can visit them or expand your circle even more.

Ask questions. Introverts have the great gift of listening and listening well. Ask your prospective friend about their life, their plans, what they’re interested in doing, how long they’ve been a traveler, etc. Finding out more about someone is half the fun of forging a new friendship.


Network in your own way

Making small talk with strangers can be an introvert’s nightmare. How can an introverted medical traveler interact with others comfortably to thrive in their environment?

Find ways to meet people in smaller settings. Ask a colleague to pick their brain about work over a cup of coffee. Shadow a coworker and ask questions. See if that night nurse is interested in grabbing breakfast when their shift is over. An intimate gathering is much more comfortable for most introverts than a large group.

It’s a hard fact: The more you show your true self to others, the more you feel awkward and self-conscious. Everyone wants to be well-liked by others. Once you let go of the fact that not everyone is going to jive with your style, a weight will be lifted. These are questions of self-doubt: What if they don’t like what you’re all about? What if you ask a dumb question?

Getting out of your own head is easier said than done, but the more you get to know people, and let your true self shine, the less awkward it will be. Remember that awkwardness will go away with time and that it doesn’t matter if you are an introvert or an extrovert—your community of mentors and influencers can be built when you are yourself.

Manage your social stress

Life is already stressful, but when you’re working in healthcare, it can feel impacted even more. Add in the fact that social settings are stressful too and respite or relaxation can seem out of reach.

When you’re an introvert, sometimes you just want to be left alone. It’s not that you don’t like people, you just get stressed by social obligations more easily. Working as a medical traveler, you’re around people as part of your job. So if you’re an introvert, when you’re off your shift you’re probably gravitating toward the couch and a binge-watch more easily. That is totally fine. A lot of advice columns would have you feeling pretty crappy about spending your time solo. You may have felt the pressure to keep up with the social lives of your more extroverted friends, but in actuality introverts need more time and space to rest and recharge their social batteries. Know your limits. Understand what works for you, and don’t feel bad about needing to shut the door on plans or people for a bit.


Prepare for professional discussions

Not every conversation can be planned for, but if you’re about to have a big meetup with a group, or an important discussion with a coworker, run it through your head first. Communicating effectively means thinking about your conversation. Maybe your approach needs retooling? Maybe everything is okay as is? The point is, when you’re prepared to talk, you’ll feel more comfortable, regardless of who you’re speaking to.


Ask questions instead of offering opinions

Small talk and networking isn’t the only solution to communicating as an introvert. Extroverts and introverts have different communication needs and tactics. A lot of introverts are internal problem-solvers, meaning they get in their own head and approach a situation from the perspective of what they think the other party needs, instead of simply asking questions to find out what their real needs are. 


Tell people when you need space

This can be a tough one, because the wrong way of communicating this can seem aloof and cold to an extrovert. Or really, to anyone that may not understand you yet. Dr. Jennifer Kahnweiler, author of The Introverted Leader: Building on Your Quiet Strength explains that introverts get their energy from spending time alone. “It’s kind of like a battery they recharge,” she says. “And then they can go out into the world and connect really beautifully with people.”

Let people know that you enjoy working with them, talking with them or being around them. Then explain that sometimes you need extra space to work effectively or recharge your social brain. Most people will understand your parameters and gracefully give you what you need.

Take your time coming out of your shell. Introverts can sometimes be bullied into putting themselves out there and accepting invites. In your own time, you’ll shine through, so don’t feel rushed to fit in with the group.


Keep success in your corner

We’ve already established that introverts are just as successful and capable of leadership as extroverts, but how do you keep the success rolling?

Be firm but flexible. Knowing your limits is important as an introvert, but you must maintain a sense of flexibility with your fellow extroverts as well. Be a social chameleon and experiment with putting yourself out there. Become a social introvert. Engage with your coworkers for a few minutes of small talk each day. It’s not a “waste of time” if you’re making friends and new connections to take to your next travel assignment.



Being an introverted medical traveler has its perks. Introverts tend to foster strong connections and have a heightened development of emotional maturity. In one study of introverts between ages 18 and 80, those who had strong social relationships and emotional regulation skills were found to be happier than those who did not have those skills. 

There’s a lot of stigma out there surrounding the nature of introverts. Don’t listen to the haters. Remember that introverts don’t need improvement. They just need different tools and perspectives to navigate their lives than extroverts do. Focusing on your strengths with the right attitude can help you create lasting happiness in your life, both professionally and personally.