
6 Ways to Adjust to Your New Travel Job

February 3, 2022


Megan Bebout


Throughout a lifetime, everyone moves at some point or another. From leaving an old job to work for a new company to live closer to loved ones, and a million scenarios in between. But as a travel nurse or allied health travelers, you move a lot more frequently, and that can be tough. 

For you, each move likely means a new zip code, a new living space, and a new work environment. Although you’ll only be there for about 13 weeks, it’s still important you make the time to get acclimated to your new surroundings. That’s why we put together these helpful tips on how to adjust to your new allied health or travel nursing job.


6 Ways to Adjust to Your New Travel Job


1. Meet new friends

Making friendsAs a kid, it was easy to walk up to someone and ask, “Do you want to be my friend?” But, somewhere along the way of growing up, it became harder to have that conversation. According to psychologist and University of Maryland professor Marisa Franco, it’s because when you get older, making friends doesn’t happen as organically.

“Sociologists have kind of identified the ingredients that need to be in place for us to make friends organically, and they are continuous unplanned interaction and shared vulnerability,” said Marisa. “But as we become adults, we have less and less environments where those ingredients are at play.”

So, it seems easier said than done to make friends in your new environment, but it’s completely doable. First thing to do is put yourself out there and make it a priority to make friends! A few ways to do that is by making the move to get someone’s information when you’ve made a connection, assume that people already like you, and don’t be too hard on yourself along the way.

Use these tips at work, in the gym, in a coffee shop, and elsewhere to meet new people and make friends. Or try out an app like MeetMe or We3 to find people nearby with common interests. No matter how you prefer to make friends, once you do, it’ll help reduce the adjustment period so you can feel more at home while you work your new job.

2. Be a joiner

It’s hard to fit in if you don’t put yourself out there. One way to do that is by being a joiner. There are tons of local groups and organizations for you to join and be a part of. Think: book clubs, workout classes, volunteer opportunities, and more.

Put on your thinking cap and find the best atmosphere for comfort in a new environment away from home. Perhaps you have co-workers or colleagues who would be interested in joining forces. If none of these ideas fit your fancy, then give the next tip a shot and make the first move! 

3. Make the first move

It can feel intimidating to put yourself out there in a new work environment to build relationships. Remember, you have a lot to offer, and your skills, talents, and friendship deserve to be shared with others.

There’s no robust orientation or guidebook for how to adjust to a new job, and it's understandable to feel overwhelmed. The good news is you're in control. If there’s no existing club or organization for you to join and connect with like-minded folk, then take it upon yourself to get one started!

There are an infinite number of clubs you could start, but to help get those gears turning, here are a few examples of common types of clubs:

🎥 Movie club: watch movies as a group and then spend time afterwards to discuss thoughts, feelings, and more.

🍽️ Dinner club: all about delicious food and wonderful company, a dinner club could be the start of lifelong friendships. Whether you decide to focus on a specific cuisine, explore a new restaurant, try a new recipe, or experiment with flavors from across the globe, a dinner club brings people together over something we all love — food.

Related: Where To Eat on the West Coast

Sports hang🏈 Sports club: find a group of people who are fans of your team and get together for game days. You could also put together a recreational sports team if your city doesn’t already have an existing league for you to join.

🍂 Hiking club: connect with friends over beautiful scenery and a common appreciation for the outdoors. Get together and adventure through local hiking trails to experience all nature has to offer.

🗣️ Language club: always wanted to learn another language? Well, this could be your chance! Come together with those who have the same goal and watch movies, read books, and listen to music in the language you want to learn.

☕ Coffee club: enjoy nice conversations over a warm, comforting cup of coffee. Go coffee shop hopping and try out different brews from all over the city.

Now the million-dollar question you may have is, “how do I start this club?”

Well, first, there are a few tiny details to smooth out. Like what kind of club is the best fit for you? Who do you think would want to join and participate in your club activities? Lastly, when and where will you meet? After you’ve worked out the details, all that’s left to do is spread the word!

4. Make your temporary lodging feel like home

When you’re away from home for around three months working a new position, it’s natural to get homesick, especially within the first few weeks. Do yourself a favor and adjust to your new living space, new city, and new job by making your temporary lodging feel like home. But how? Here are a few hacks.

Fully unpack your bags 

You’ll be there for at least a few months, so don’t spend all that time living out of a suitcase. Instead, fully unpack your bags, put things in their place, and enjoy a clutter-free living space complete with your personal touch.

Get comfy 

There’s nothing better than crawling into bed after a long workday. Make sure your bed is ready for you when you get home with your own bedding. Adding your favorite blankets and pillows is a quick and cozy way to instantly transform your new bed into a safe haven.

Related: 7 Ways To Make Short-Term Living Feel Like Home

Get personal

Bring along pictures, mementos, house plants, candles, and all those little things that make you happy and remind you of your homeplace. Maybe it’s your favorite book or fuzzy socks — whatever it is, bring it along because nothing cures homesickness like a piece of home.

Familiarize yourself with the neighborhood

Don’t get stuck inside while the world passes you by! Venture out and explore your new city. See the sights, hunt for a new coffee shop, find a farmer’s market, walk a nature trail, and experience local attractions like museums and boutiques.

Whether you’re staying in a five-star hotel, Airbnb, or luxury apartment, make your temporary housing feel like home to help you adjust to your surroundings. Once you unpack your belongings and get settled, you’ll feel right at home.

5. Practice self-care

Self-careSelf-care is vastly underrated, in our opinion. If you’ve found yourself thinking, “Oh gosh, I’ve been seriously slacking on self-care,” then don’t worry — you’re not alone.

Self-care isn’t as easy as it sounds or should be. But hear us when we say that you deserve to feel loved and supported by your own self. Some ways you can practice self-care to help you adjust to your new job are by enjoying the sunshine and fresh air, eating healthy snacks and meals, and getting plenty of sleep.

When you care for yourself, it allows you to authentically enjoy what your life has to offer. Plus, engaging in self-care activities have been clinically proven to reduce and eliminate anxiety and depression, which gives you the energy to get up and at ‘em!

6. Establish a routine

It may seem like the perfect opportunity to shake up your routine in your new city, but oddly enough, such a drastic change can have negative effects on your productivity levels, as well as mental and physical health. To adjust to your new job, stick to a familiar routine.

No, it doesn’t have to be the exact same routine that you had with an old job. Of course, things won’t be the same — you’ll be in a new city with new people in a new healthcare facility providing patient care to a new community. However, there are ways you can still manage your routine inside and outside of work.

For example, if your normal morning routine involves a fresh pot of coffee, then carry on the tradition during this job. Or maybe every day after your shift, you go to the gym for a workout. Again, keep it up!

Treat yourself to a sense of normalcy and stick to a consistent schedule and daily routine. As your routine drops your anxiety and stress levels, it’s bound to increase your positivity, productivity, and sense of adventure.



It’s no secret that you move around a lot as a professional allied health traveler or travel nurse. So, the next time you hit the road for a job, follow these tips to help you adjust to your new surroundings in no time.

Ready for your next new opportunity? Browse travel nursing and allied health travel jobs and submit your application to connect with a Fusion Medical Staffing recruiter.