
New Recruiter Matching Process Boosts Traveler Experience. Here’s How!

July 8, 2024


Megan Bebout

RecruiterTravelerMatchWe’re shaking things up in all the best ways here at Fusion Medical Staffing, and one way we’re doing that is with our new and improved process for matching you with a healthcare travel recruiter!  

Whether you’re new to Fusion or have been with us for years, we’re determined to unite you with a healthcare recruiter who not only cares about your professional growth, but also complements your lifestyle, listens to and advocates for you, and boosts your overall healthcare travel experience. Here’s everything you need to know about how we match candidates like you with kick-ass Fusion Medical Staffing recruiters.     


New Recruiter Matching Process Boosts Traveler Experience. Here’s How! 


How our new recruiter pairing process works 

Let’s say your recruiter gets promoted within the organization. Or perhaps you’ve been with your recruiter for a few assignments and it’s not quite the right fit. Or maybe your recruiter explores employment options outside of the company. What does that mean for you? 

In the past, it meant your recruiter would recommend someone else for you. But that process wasn’t beneficial for anyone. That’s where our new process comes in! 

Now if these situations occur, we have several pathways in place for what to do next. Let’s break down each scenario and take a closer look at how we get to the resolution together.  

You’ve requested a new recruiter 

When you’ve requested a new recruiter — whether that’s by chatbot, email, call, text, or carrier pigeon — our Traveler Experience team will review and reach out within 24 hours to learn more about your current recruiter relationship, as well as what your ideal partnership looks like.  

Many of the questions they’ll ask are about your preferences when it comes to method of communication (call or text), problem-solving techniques (together or separate), relationship type (personal or professional), and other related items. Knowing these things will help us match you with a recruiter who understands your needs.  

Related: 6 Green Flags to Look for In a Healthcare Travel Recruiter 

Once we’ve identified a recruiter who better aligns with you based on your responses, we’re going directly to them and their manager to keep them in the loop and get to know the recruiter better so we can be sure they check your boxes. Then, if they’re excited, confident, and feeling good about the match, they’ll introduce themselves to you and start building the foundation of your relationship.      

The Traveler Experience team will connect with you after 48 hours to check-in on your transition. Don’t be afraid to share any wins, challenges, or feelings you may have! If all is well, you’ll continue working with your new recruiter and offer your thoughts again after 30 days of working together.  

Assuming you have a five-star experience, you’ll continue business as usual with a newfound advocate, partner, and friend.  

Your recruiter is promoted  

Fusion Medical Staffing recruiterYou’ve just found out that your recruiter was promoted — yay! The good news is that many times, your recruiter will call you to personally share the update and give you a glimpse of what you can expect next. 

After you’ve chatted with your recruiter about their new position, you’ll hear from the Traveler Experience team to go through that list of preference questions. Using your answers along with notes and insights from your previous recruiter, we find you another good partner. Then, we’ll follow-up after 48 hours and 30 days.   

Your recruiter gets a new job 

When it comes to recruiters exiting the company, the transition process for matching you with someone else is similar to the other two situations: our Traveler Experience team will reach out, get your feedback, learn about you, and use this information to pair you with someone new.  

As always, we’ll reach out after 48 hours and 30 days to see how you are, how it’s going, and if there are any changes to be made. If yes, we’ll make any adjustments, as needed. If not, it’s continued smooth sailing. 😎 

Why did the recruiter partnering process change? 

Thanks to the combined efforts of our incredible Traveler Experience team and extraordinary healthcare travelers like you, we discovered a crucial piece missing in our recruiter matching — your voice.  

That’s all changed, effective immediately. And our Traveler Experience team is doing their due diligence to ensure each traveler is satisfied with their recruiter partner.   

Related: Why Building a Relationship With Your Recruiter is Important 

“It’s our goal to make sure that our travelers are happy and that we’re doing everything we can to make that happen,” said Sammi Osborne, traveler experience insights analyst. “We want to partner them with the right people who are really going to take care of them.”  

While we’ve always been committed to providing a positive recruiter relationship, we’ve now added even more factors to the recruiter matching equation, including your Myers-Briggs personality type, as well as the recruiter’s. That way, we can better pair you with a recruiter whose personality goes well with your own, strengthening your connection and elevating your overall experience.      

“Considering the personality of a recruiter with a candidate’s personality could be something to help set us apart,” Sammi said. “We’re focusing a lot on retention and recruiter matching and trying to tackle it from multiple different angles. So far, we’ve received good feedback from our travelers!” 

We’re putting you back in the driver’s seat of your career by improving the way we partner recruiters with travel nurses and allied health travelers. Most importantly, we’re using your voice and opinions to continuously learn, grow, and elevate our internal processes to best serve you.  

“You have a say and that’s the most important thing to us,” said Sammi. “You’re not just a number. We want you to tell us what you want, and we’ll do our best to make it happen. And if what we do doesn’t work, we’ll try and try again.”   

How strong recruiter matching enhances healthcare traveler satisfaction 

Personalized support  

Fusion Medical Staffing recruitersSwitching assignments every few months can be daunting, but having a recruiter who truly gets you can make all the difference.  

When you’re matched with a recruiter who understands your unique needs and preferences, the support you receive is not only tailored but also incredibly effective. They know what kind of assignments excite you, the different healthcare systems you thrive in, and even the little things that make you feel at home on the road. 

This personalized support means fewer hiccups and more time for you to focus on what you love — caring for patients and exploring new places. With a strong recruiter match, you’ll feel good knowing you always have a personal advocate in your corner, ensuring each assignment is a good fit and that your healthcare travel journey is easy, breezy, beautiful.  

Customized communication 

Having a recruiter who speaks your language is a total gamechanger. From knowing how often you like updates to whether you prefer texts or calls to anticipating your questions before you have to ask, a strong recruiter match allows for more customized communication.   

“A lot of travelers just want someone to have their back, who is human,” Sammi said. “We want to be that for them, and we do that by meeting them where they are and by being honest and upfront.”  

Healthcare professionals are very important (and busy) people, and we respect that. We know you have a specific communication style that works for you, and we want to honor that by matching you with a recruiter who has the same (or similar) preferences. This ensures you feel heard and valued in a job that often takes you far from home. 

Increased trust  

Fusion Medical Staffing recruiterYour healthcare travel recruiter is your teammate for every adventure. When you work with a recruiter who you feel safe and comfortable with, trust comes naturally.  

Related: How To Build Trust with Your Healthcare Recruiter 

You know they’re not just there to fill assignments; they’re your partner and they have your best interests at heart, making each assignment feel like a collaborative success rather than just another job. As a bonus, increased trust between you and your recruiter can also lead to a more satisfactory work-life balance and a more fulfilled personal life!  

Frequently asked questions 

How do I request a new recruiter?  

There are a few ways to submit a request for a new healthcare travel recruiter.  

📱Direct conversation with your current recruiter via phone, email, or text 

📱Reach out to the Traveler Experience team via email  

📱Contact the Fusion Medical Staffing front desk via phone or email  

📱Interact with FuseBot, our online chatbot, and get connected to a human  

What are common reasons for switching recruiters?  

Aside from your recruiter changing jobs, whether that’s within or outside of the company, sometimes healthcare travelers just want to work with someone different, and there could be lots of reasons for that — differing communication styles, personality types, industry experience levels, and conflict resolution techniques, for example.  

TBH, just knowing that you want a new recruiter is reason enough for us to help you transition to someone else.     

What if I get a new recruiter and they’re still not a good fit for me?  

So, you’ve switched your recruiter, and you find that they don’t fit your fancy. What now?  

If you find yourself in this situation, don’t fret! All you have to do is let us know, and we’ll get back to the drawing board to find you your ideal match. 



We’ll be the first to admit that we’re not perfect. We don’t have it all figured out all the time. But instead of hiding from that, we’re now choosing to embrace it and rely more on you, our trusted healthcare travel partners, to guide us in the right direction.  

How we’re doing that is by revamping processes, such as our recruitment process and recruiter matching, and giving you additional platforms to speak your mind and share your truth about your healthcare travel experience with us. 

Want to chat? Let’s set up a time that works for you!